Saturday 8 January 2011

1st Week

well what I thought was going to be easy has turned out to be quite difficult.  The simple task of taking a photograph everyday is proving to be a lot more effort than I first thought.  Especially the return to work, getting back home at dark and having very little chance during the day to get out.  However, I did get out to Tynemouth and was able to get this shot

006/365 Doorway
I did two others which i really liked this week
005/365 Winter warmth and  07/365 Moby Dick
I am not saying my others are bad, but these three sort of mean more to me than the others.

Monday 3 January 2011

002/365  Dog's Toy       Wrinkles

I took these two pics at my parents house.  I have joined a Scavenger hunt 101 on flickr and one of the items was wrinkles so hence the bw capture.  Composition not brilliant!  My Mam was pleased that I wanted her picture, less so when I mentioned wrinkles to her !
The other is of my parent's dogs toy.  Shes a Westie and loves anything that she can chew.  I lay down and took this just randomly and as always, my random capture looked so much better than set up shot!  I couldn't decide which to put in which group 365project and 365:2011 editin, so obviously one in each.

Sunday 2 January 2011

001/365 : 01.01.2011
Well this was my 1st posting to the [roject.  Not the best picture in the world nor the most creative of ideas, but I just wanted to mark the "start" and the fact that it was 2011.  I spent the rest of the day taking the kids out to a Wetlands Reserve and got some decent pics of ducks(?).  Came back home and started on the New Year Resolutions
1. Do something family every week
2. Get fit/lose weight
3. Complete the 365 project
4. Don't stay at work to late
I will probably add to these over the next few days and then forget about most of them by next week !!  Well its traditional.
Off to see the parents and other folk today.  They live by the seaside, so hoping to get a couple of decent shots there.

Friday 31 December 2010

In the beginning.......

Well, I am going to be starting two projects on roughly the same day.  The first being the 365 day photo project where we take 1 picture each day and upload it onto flickr.  It doesn't sound like too much of an ordeal, but you have to be committed - which is a bit daunting.  The second is going to be writing a blog about it, and describe my ordeal in a witty, humorous or probably dull way.
Bear/bare with me as I progress through 2011.